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Feb. 17 2023
Maintaining hoof health is a continuous goal on our dairy, and regular trimming helps us achieve this
Feb. 16 2023
For the past few weeks, we have been keeping our eye on one amazing cow that has far exceeded our production expectations
Feb. 3 2023
As the days start to get just a little bit longer, it has me longing for the warmer days to come
Jan. 30 2023
One element of farm profitability is generating more revenue from the possessions you already own
Jan. 19 2023
Finding chore boots that keep feet warm, dry, and comfortable seems to be a continuing struggle for many farmers
Jan. 5 2023
The month of December was a little touch-and-go in our calf barn as we were dealing with an abundance of calves and disease challenges
Jan. 4 2023
A new year has begun, and the days are getting longer again. With mild temperatures in the Midwest this week, it almost feels like the start of spring
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Dec. 13 2022
Dairy life provides a lot of unique stories we recall years later
Dec. 9 2022
As you move into 2023, don’t forget to think about goals and simple changes — both big and small — that could help you and your operation continue to improve
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Nov. 25 2022
This Thanksgiving, I decided to highlight butter in a new, trendy way
Molly Blog Photo 1
Nov. 10 2022
Our wedding day was filled with little moments and details that honored our dairy farming roots
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Oct. 31 2022
It can be so easy to get wrapped up caring for the “problem cows,” but our average animals also deserve attention and some true appreciation
Oct. 24 2022
The world of ag creates more learning opportunities and times of growth than anywhere else
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Oct. 18 2022
Getting out of our bubble gives us valuable perspective
Oct. 14 2022
Thanks to some extra care and attention, a premature calf recently born on our farm is doing well
Oct. 8 2022
The Holsteins swept the World Dairy Expo Supreme banners of the open show, while the Jerseys did the same in the Junior show
Friday- sales
Oct. 7 2022
The World Dairy Expo grounds host more than 1,000 top-of-the-line animals throughout the week
4-H Team
Oct. 2 2022
The 100th National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest culminates tonight with the announcement of the results
Sept. 29 2022
We’ve all heard the cliché, “Great minds think alike,” but have you ever stopped and really thought about that phrase?
Farmhouse Blog 1
Sept. 15 2022
No matter the season of the year or the season of life you’re in, farmhouses offer the ultimate warm embrace